Google Devices and Activity Tool- Check and Remove Devices Connected to Your Google Account


Google Device and Activity Dashboard is the place where you get to know exact information about the devices connected to Google account, and in addition with the Google account information, it also includes the services of Google like Gmail, Photos, Drive, YouTube, Google Play Store, and Google+. To monitor your Google devices and activity, you have to monitor this dashboard especially for ensuring the safety of your private information. This article will show the way of finding out devices connected to my Google account and how to remove devices from Google account.

When do you need to check Google Devices and activity?

When you had lost any of your devices or also in the case That you sold off your used Smartphone or any other device but forgotten to link your Gmail Account from it, then you will need to check devices connected to Google account. There would be no issues if it is a dummy account, but if it is your personal account, then it may bring great problems for you it goes in wrong hand. The person, who will use it, will be able to access your Google account and many other important and private information that is related to this account and all Google services and products like Gmail, Google Music, Photos, G-drive, Google cloud, Google Analytics and so on. But don’t worry, Google has made it easy for you check the list of devices connected to Google account and also provides you with the option to remove devices from Google account without any hassle.

How to Access Dashboard to see devices connected to Google account

You can easily visit your dashboard with any Web Browser. Simply visit the Google My Account web page and do the following:

  • Your first task is to log in to Google’s services if you have not logged in yet.
  • Open the My Account web page and scroll down. Go under the “Sign-in & Security” heading and select Device Activity & Security Events.
  • A glance of your recently used devices will be presented to you. You have to click the Review Deviceslink to view the full dashboard.
  • The dashboard will give you details of all devices that are currently signed-in or the accessed device list of last 28 days. This list will show not only the personal computers and web browsers but also your previously used Android and iOS devices to access your account.
  • With the list of all devices, the date and time of their access to your account will also be shown.
  • Now if you want detailed information of any specific device, you can get it with a mouse click on it. Extra details like the last location it was used will be shown. But the type of providing additional information will vary depending on the type of device.

How to remove devices from Google account?

Now you know the process of checking devices connected to your Google Account. There may be some devices logged into your account, which you don’t want to access your account. Now, we will learn the steps to remove devices from Google account.

  • Open Google Activity Tool: Google Activity Tool is a tool to track all the devices connected to a Google account. For your convenience, we have given here the link of Google Activity Tool.
  • Sign in & Security OptionThere are multiple options under this Sign in & Security Select Device activity & Security events option.
  • Sign in under the Device activity & security events: You have to Sign In to review the devices that have accessed your account recently. And it’s important to mention that, you have to log in using the same Gmail account that is connected with multiple devices. if you want to remove any device.
  • Review Devices: To check the recently used devices you have to click on Review Devices This click will provide you with the list of devices associated with that particular Gmail Account.
  • Remove Devices: For removing a particular connected device whether it is a Tablet or Android Smartphone . just click on that specific device and you will see the
  • Remove RED color button. You click on this button, a message will be shown: “Removing access will sign you out of your Google Account and connected apps on your device”. This will also include an option Remove and you have to click on it. The device will be removed from your Google Account.


We tried to provide you with the easiest way to check the device list connected to your Gmail account and removing any device if you need by using the Google Device & activity tool. This tool is not only helpful in signing out from all devices, but also helps in protecting your valuable information from wrong intentions.

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